Church Growth

  • Training Christians to do the work of the ministry.
  • Conducting seminars, symposiums, and conferences on discipleship and cross-cultural communication.
  • Publishing contextual discipleship and educational curriculums.

We are open to helping anyone who might be interested in putting together a conference anywhere in the world.

The following are the courses we offer during our Leadership Development Conferences.

General Leadership Courses for the Church

(3 month course that could be taught in 5 to 10 days)

1. Church leadership styles in the Urban/Villages
2. Ethnicity and conflict management
3. Leadership and Church planting models
4. Nehemiah: leadership development and themes
5. Pastoral administration
6. The leader and his anointing
7. The making of a leader
8. Vision and the vision driven church
9. Foundational Principle of Christian Leadership – Servanthood
10. Church leadership and administration.
11. Family; The foundation of competent leadership.
12. Family Enrichment (a 5 day seminar)
13. Evangelism and leadership development in the church.

Management & Human Resource Courses For The Community & The Church:

1. Foundations of effective Management (3 days)
2. Human resource management
3. Administrative theory and design (3 days)
4. Managing the change process in Leadership
5. Conflict management (A 5 days course treated from a cross-cultural perspective)
6. Time and life management (2 days)
7. Personnel management (5 days)
8. Improving personnel productivity (3 days)
9. Team Building (3 days)
10. Corporate strategic planning (5 days)
11. Performance appraisal (3 days)
12. Effective Communication skills (3 days)
13. Corporate Affairs management – Constitution design and incorporation (5 days)

We also have a 5 day Church Planting course.

If you want more information about us or the courses we teach please feel free to Contact Us.