Newsletter for Summer 2002

Dear Friends of the Ministry,

Link Institution of Learning is a community-based ministry, that came into being seven years ago to meet the needs of the youth in the State of Abia, Nigeria. A number of confidential surveys conducted over a period of five years revealed an alarming high-school drop-out rate, forced marriages, all kinds of abuse, including molestation, and a rapid increase in sexually transmitted diseases. HIV/AIDS has claimed many young lives, while many have died trying to abort pregnancies. Poverty, inadequate education, and the abuse of the public health-care system were seen to be the main causes, creating a tremendous need to begin a sustainable development program as a healthy alternative.

Link Institute works with community leaders, local government authorities and Abia State School Board to plan and develop our programs. We provide basic studies for students interested in entering University, job-search skills, computer/secretarial studies, computerized accounting, keyboarding, office systems, and information management tools. These programs have been highly successful, transforming the lives of these young men and women, who formerly had no hope. Next year, programs on home economics and fashion design will be added to the curriculum.

Link Institution of Learning has become a household name in Abia, many of our graduates securing jobs in the public and private sectors within the State and also across the country.

Together with new skills to sustain them economically, we also give students the opportunity to give their lives to Jesus Christ. Many have accepted Christ as their Lord and personal Savior, and have testified that Jesus has made the difference in their lives.

As I ponder on this arm of our ministry, I often wonder if it is all worth it and are we doing the right thing? Without a doubt, the answer is “Yes!” Link is a ministry of multiplication. The students we train are able to bless hundreds of others, which reminds me of Jesus’ parable about the mustard seed. The mustard seed, the least of all seeds, grows greater than all the other herbs and becomes a great tree where the birds of the air come and nest in its branches (Matt 13: 31 – 32). Like this mustard seed, our students are planted in good soil – Link Institution of Learning!

Link Institution of Learning has the atmosphere that promotes a desire to learn not only academically, but also spiritually. Here are some testimonies from some of out students:

Favour Onyekwere said, “I came to this school because many of the graduates of the school get a job immediately after they graduate. I love this school because they train the students to fear and respect God, and the faculty are an encouragement to the students, especially those going astray. The relationships between the students, the faculty and the staff attracted me to the school.”

Another student, Okwuchi Ndu testifies, “I thank God for this school. Years ago, when I read anything I could not understand it but since I came to this school, my life has never being the same either spiritually or academically. Sister Promise Godwin, the Manager of the Institution, has been like a sister to me. Her words of advice and here positive remarks toward me and other students has encouraged me a lot”.

Our philosophy is simply to reproduce yourself in someone else, and develop the latent skills and talents discovered in each of the students, empowering them to grow and develop to their fullest potential.

Because of the life of Christ that radiates around the Institute, flowing through the faculty and the staff, and those students that have committed their lives to Christ, our students and graduates are examples to those who make contact with them on a daily basis outside the school environment.

We have many your people waiting to get into the Institution but we do not have enough space to accommodate them all. This is where you come in! While you man not be able to share in this ministry by teaching or working in administration, what about giving to help those who are?

Many young people are waiting to be admitted into our programs, but their future is on hold because we are presently unable to complete the Multipurpose Centre due to lack funds. If you are able, would you be willing to reach out to them with your financial help to make a difference in their lives? Your financial support could be the mustard seed!

Yours in His Mission,

Paul Ndukwe (Rev.)
International Executive Director

Paul Ndukwe
Paul Ndukwe