May-July 2001 Newsletter

Dear Friends in Mission, Before I left for Nigeria two months ago for a Community Development project, the Lord clearly unveiled to me a missions concept from the prayer of Jabez in 1 Chron. 4:9 – 10.  It became clear that when He sent us to go into the world, He is saying that we have the potential and the authority to enlarge our territories and spheres of influence and impart His supernatural favour on our generation.  While in Nigeria just 6 weeks ago, I noticed that any limitation we have in the ministry, have been placed by us. “We have received a command to bless; He has blessed and we cannot change it” Num. 23:20.  To bless in the biblical sense means to ask for or to impart supernatural favour. In other words, we have a mandate from God of the universe to bless and be a blessing.  To be precise, bringing the message of God’s redeeming love to the lost in the continent of Africa is a blessing.

Blessing others or imparting supernatural favour on them could be demonstrated through community development programs such as Community Health Centre; Skill Acquisition Centre; Donation of medical and educational equipment and supplies or through the financial donations from our partners.  I will invite you to read through the following testimonies and report give thanks for what the Lord has done.  On the same premise, continue to pray for our ministry.

A former student of our school in Umuahia wrote, “Link Institution of Learning is one of the best institutes I have ever attended.  It contributed a lot to my growth mentally, academically and spiritually.  The training I received from the institute prepared me for my external examinations.  The teaching staff would go extra miles to help us.  The extra lessons they prepared on our behalf paid off.  I thank God for Rev. Paul Ndukwe, a man of vision for his people, a man who has dedicated himself to be used of God to see that the desire of his people especially the less privileged ones is achieved.  Today, I have a teaching job in a School of Commerce teaching computer science and English language.  I will invite others to this wonderful school in order to excel in life.”

The welfare officer of a Centre for mentally ill destitute in Amaudo Itumbauzo of Bende in Abia State, Nigeria, Roselind F. Colwill wrote, “It is with much joy that I write to thank you most sincerely for the donation you have made to this centre.  We are most grateful to you for the concern you have shown for these less fortunate people.  I am sure that you were becoming disturbed by the increasing numbers of these men and women who roam up and down our streets, both in the towns and villages of Imo, Ebonyi and Abia States of Nigeria.  There is absolutely no provision for them except a premature death.  Again thank you for your kindness.”  A medical director of a medical clinic said, “We wish to express our profound appreciation for the donations of 5 mattresses, theater gowns, leanings, a stethoscope, pampers and tissue papers.  We’ve already put most of them to use.  Once again, we immensely appreciate your good gestures and pray that our good Lord will continue to strengthen your ministry.”  Another medical doctor wrote,” We wish to let you know that we have received the cartons containing baby pampers and bed sheets.  Thank you for your kindness.  All the baby pampers have been distributed free of charge to patients.  Freely we received and freely we gave them out.”

Please continue to pray for our many outreaches among the mountain people of Adamawa State, the Gbagi peoples of Idar in Jaba local government and those in Bishim, Kurmin Iya, and Kateri in the Kachia local government areas of Kaduna and Niger States of Nigeria.  We have national missionaries in these areas.  They need our financial support.

Pray also for our film ministry in Nigeria.  We have projectionists in Edo, Kaduna, Lagos and Abia States.  Pray for our medical staff and the projectionists, they need some kind of mobility that would make their outreaches a beat easier.  We actually need two 4-wheel vehicles for our Community Mobile Clinic Program.  Should the Lord impress it in your heart to donate toward this project or donate a 4-wheel vehicle as a gift-in-kind, please contact us immediately?

Every year, we have been shipping a container of educational, medical and humanitarian goods to Nigeria and the Lord has been giving us favour with the government officials during the customs clearing.  This year the Lord increased the number to three containers of the same goods and the devil knowing the impact we have made in the country mounted a road – block.  These containers although two arrived in January and the third in April, they still have not cleared customs and are accumulating costly demurrage charges.  After being held up for so many months, we have now finally received the duty exemption certificates for their clearance. Currently, the demurrage and clearing charges are well over $5,000 (US).  So we have requested a waiver of these charges from the shipping companies and the Nigerian Ports Authority.  If we have to pay the demurrage we will be forced to sale the goods to recover the money thus defeating the whole purpose.  Stand in the gap with us on this issue and call on the Lord of the harvest to divinely intervene.

We have entered into a partnership with an organization in the United States – Prayer Watch International to have a Prayer School this August in Tanzania, Kenya and possibly Nigeria.  Proper planning and publicity is needed to bring this program to fruition.  Please pray for the line up teams in those countries that the Lord would guide them as they put things together.

Are you interested in being a part of the intercessory team leaving for East and West Africa this summer, contact us immediately.  We would also invite those of you who are interested in our ministry to contact us.  Your skills and talents are needed and you might be the one that God would want to use to impart His supernatural favour on a future African leader.

Yours in His Mission,

Paul Ndukwe (Rev.)
International Executive Director

Paul Ndukwe
Paul Ndukwe